Procedures, schedules, rules
- Internal rules of procedure
- Training observation procedures (Training observation supplement for 1 teacher, Training observation supplement for 2 managers)
- On the fee for non-formal education and use
- Admission procedure for admission to the School of Sport
- Procedures for the professional development of teachers
- Description of procedures for violence prevention and intervention
- Internal control policy
- Car parking arrangements
- Payroll system
- Procedures for the prevention and intervention of mobbing and psychological violence in the workplace
- Rules on the organisation and internal control of public procurement
- Inventory rules
- Rules on preventing violence and harassment
- Schedule for granting leave
- Financial control rules
- Rules of procedure for visitors to the swimming pool
- Description of the procedure for admission of pupils to non-formal education schools in Pasvalys district
- on the adoption of a description of the procedure for organising transport for pupils and reimbursement of travel expenses (Ordinance adopting the model form of pupil transport contract)
- Description of the procedure for the conduct of sporting events and the provision of material support to participants
- Pasvalio sporto mokyklos teikiamų paslaugų įkainiai