Pasvalys Sports School

Lietuvos jaunučių lengvosios atletikos čempionatas

Lithuanian Junior Athletics Championships

On 18 January 2025, the Lithuanian Junior Athletics Championships took place in Panevėžys. Tadas Velykis (coach E.Žilys) from Pasvalys Sports School won the second place in the long jump event, jumping. 5,71 m.

Šiaulių miesto atviras jaunių, jaunimo ir suaugusiųjų čempionatas

Šiauliai City Open Junior, Youth and Adult Championships

On 16 January 2025, the Šiauliai City Open Junior, Youth and Adult Championships took place in Šiauliai. Pasvalys Sports School athletes were successful in the competition. Austėja Žilinskaitė (K. Mačėnas) was third in the 60 m -8.18 in the adult group, and in the junior group in the second place.

Lietuvos rajonų jaunių ir jaunimo čempionatai

Lithuanian District Junior and Youth Championships

On 11 and 12 January 2025, the Lithuanian District Junior and Youth Championships took place in Klaipėda. Gustas Židonis (E. Žilys) became the champion in the 60 m race. Gustas' time was 7.29 seconds. In the junior group, Austėja Žilinskaitė (K. Mačėnas) was second in the 300 m race with 45.64...

Šiaulių miesto atviras jaunučių lengvosios atletikos čempionatas

Šiauliai City Open Junior Athletics Championships

2025-01-08 The Šiauliai City Open Junior Athletics Championships were held at the Šiauliai Athletics Arena on 8 January 2025.Tadas Velykis (E. Žilys) won twice. Tadas won the 60 m hurdles in 9.36 seconds. and in the long jump he jumped 5.57....

Šiaulių miesto atviros sprinto varžybos

Šiauliai City Open Sprint Competition

The Šiauliai City Open Sprint Competition was held in Šiauliai on 11-12-2024. The winners of the junior 60m+30m sprint event were athletes from Pasvalys Sports School. Austėja Žilinskaitė (K. Mačėnas) -60m -8.21, 30m -3.53 Gustas Židonis (E. Žilys) - 60m....

LMŽ 2012 m. g. berniukų futbolo (5×5) varžybos

LMŽ 2012 boys football (5×5) competition

The Pasvalys Lėvens Primary School boys' team, led by physical education teacher Vilija Mačėnienė, was successful in the boys' football (5×5) competition of the 2012 LMŽ in Pasvalys "Pieno žvaigždžių" arena. Pasvalieans defeated Pakruojis 4:0...

Mergaičių U-14 futbolo turnyras

Girls U-14 football tournament

The Pasvalys Sports School U-14 girls' football tournament was held in Kėdainiai, where the Pasvalys Sports School girls' football team played five matches, winning three and losing two. The Pasval girls took third place in this tournament and with medals and a trophy,...